Fennel (Sweet) Oil...

Fennel is a biennial or perennial herb with green, feathery leaves and golden yellow flowers. Fennel essential oil is steam distilled from the plant's crushed fruit (dried seeds). Fennel has been used since medieval times to ward off evil spirits and it was a popular herb with the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Romans, who believed it conveyed longevity, courage and strength. Fennel seeds have also been used for hundreds of years as a digestive aid.

Fennel is an herb, in which the essential oil is collected from its seeds. It is most commonly found in Japan, India, Mediterranean, Russia, Romania, and Northern Europe. The Greeks and Romans of ancient times used Fennel to lose weight, and a sense of courage. The Hindus and Chinese used the oil as anti-venom for snakes and scorpions, and were grown in all of the imperial gardens in the reign of Emperor Charlemagne.

History: An herb of ancient repute, believed to encourage longevity, courage and strength. The Romans valued it for its digestive properties and the Greeks believed it to be a slimming herb. 

Sweet Fennel essential oil is stimulating and balancing aromatherapy oil. It has an affinity with the digestive system and can be helpful for a range of digestive problems. Fennel is also believed to have a positive influence on self-esteem and confidence. 

Sweet fennel essential oil is diuretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and a decongestant.

The oil is used to treat a variety of ailments such as digestive complaints, flatulence and gout, pain during menstruation, cellulite and fungal infections such as athlete's foot.

Sweet fennel essential oil should always be diluted with a carrier oil such as sweet almond or jojoba oil before applying. It blends well with other essential oils such as nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, lavender, peppermint, rose, juniper, lemon and orange.

Uses: Fennel is said to help in cases of heat stroke. Soak a handful of seeds in water overnight. Strain the water and add a pinch of salt before drinking.

Nursing mothers can increase milk production by adding 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds to a half liter of boiling water. Allow to cool, strain and add raw honey to taste. Two to three cups per day of this team can safely be taken by nursing mothers.

Supports kidneys discharge surplus fluids, alleviating water tension, making it a great slimming aid. When fennel seeds are chewed they are a digestive tonic. The oil from the seeds inspire and kindle hormones that make PMS and menopausal symptoms easier to tolerate. Fennel is well known to aid in digestive problems, menopausal problems, obesity, constipation, kidney stones, and nausea. The oil and the seeds themselves have been used as a proven diuretic. This herb is notorious for warming, and improving circulation, digestion, breathing, and lactation. Fennel aids the reduction of cellulite, stress (promoting sleep), flatulence, and menstrual discomfort. Fennel has the capability to strengthen your spirit by taking action because Fennel can heighten stamina to follow your chosen path. This essential oil promotes positive thinking, and can balance mood swings. The body is also affected with the use of Fennel. It standardizes periods, lessens hot flashes, and cleanses oily or mature skin.

Fennel acts as a natural breath-freshener and is also a good mouthwash for gum disease or infections. Fennel can rejuvenate dull skin. Boil a tablespoon of seeds in a liter of water. Use as a steam facial for cleansing.

Fennel Sweet is credited with being an antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, stimulant, splenic, stomachic, and as a vermifuge. It is also believed to be invigorating, restoring, stimulating, and warming.

Safety Information:

If pregnant or nursing, consult physician prior to use. These products and the statements used to describe them have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions. Please contact your primary healthcare provider before using these products to treat any medical conditions. Essential oils are for external use only and should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. Some essential oils are photosensitizing and should be used with caution when direct sun exposure is anticipated. 

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